Media Request Form Media Request Form IMPORTANT: Please give us at least 2 business days to process your request. For example, don't submit a request on Thursday afternoon and expect it to make the Bulletin/Online Worship Guide.Your Details Let us know how to get back to you.First NameLast NameEmailPhone NumberDepartment or MinistryInformation Please provide detailed information for your request. The more information we have, the better we can serve you. Lisa is responsible for Website Updates, App Updates, and all social media requests. She only works from 3 to 4:30 pm as needed on Tuesdays & Thursdays so plan ahead. Abby is responsible for Worship Pre-Session Slides and the Bulletin/Online Worship Guide. If you need assistance with this form, please contact Lisa.Platform(s) (Please select all that apply) Worship Pre-Session Slides Online Worship Guide Website Update First Connect Newsletter New Website Addition App Update Social Media Facebook Event Social Media: Facebook Social Media: Instagram Social Media: Twitter Social Media Paid Advertising App Push Notification Other (please describe below under General Description)General DescriptionInformation To Be DisplayedThe following section is for the specific information that will be displayed on your event or item.Contact's First NameContact's Last NameContact Phone NumberContact's EmailPublished Title of Item or EventPublished DescriptionThis is what you want displayed in the Calendar, App, Website, etc. Each social platform has a different maximum character count. Facebook: 65K (but 80 characters has the highest engagement statistically); Twitter 280; Instagram 22K (150 recommended).App Push NotificationPush notifications are limited to 140 characters, including spaces and punctuation.Date and Time to Publish Push NotificationPlease select the date and time you wish the Push Notification to go out on the First Leesburg App.If this is for a specific campus, please specify Churchwide Downtown Village Park SouthLocation of EventAddress LineRoom Number (if applicable)CityStateZip CodeDATES For a one-time event, simply indicate in the first box the date and time the event begins and in the second box the date and time the event ends. For repeating events, indicate the date and time of the first instance of the event in the Begin Date/Time box. In the End Date/Time box indicate the date of the last instance of the repeating event as well as the ending time of that event. Begin Date / TimeIf the event is on more than one day, specify the first date. Specify other dates and times in the general description above. End Date / TimeIf the event is on more than one day or if this is a repeating event (for example, weekly), specify the last date and the ending time. Specify other specific information (for example, for 8 weeks on Thursdays) and times in the general description above. Expiration DateFor Website Events please indicate the date that this item should be removed from the website. This date should be after the last date of the event.Website AddressUse this field for more information, registration links, etc.Social Media Hashtags (optional)Hashtags are keyword or keyword phrases that help people locate your contact through search on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. For Facebook and Twitter only the first three will be used. For Instagram, the maximum number is 30Graphics If your item or event is to be published to the website or app, three different files sizes are required. (Do NOT upload the same image in all three spots.) If you cannot create your own graphics, we can do it for you—PLEASE PROVIDE 2 BUSINESS DAYS NOTICE. Please keep in mind that images used on the website or app should have little added text. Please see the Staff Resources page for an image to use. Do NOT use Google to find images. Those images are copyright protected and we cannot use them. You are limited to 2MB per image.Primary graphicChoose File Dimensions: 1920 x 1080 pixels. Type: .jpg or png. Size: under 200K recommended.Square GraphicChoose File Dimensions: 1024 x 1024 pixels or higher. Type: .jpg or png. Size: under 200K recommended.Banner GraphicChoose File Dimensions: 1920 x 692 pixels. Type: .jpg or png. Size: under 200K recommended.Supplemental Files (OPTIONAL) Use this to upload PDFs, Word Documents, etc. that are supplemental to your request. File size is limited to 10 MBFile UploadChoose File If you have a PDF, Word document, Excel spreadsheet, PowerPoint presentation, you may upload that here.Facebook Advertising (OPTIONAL)This is an optional section and only needs to be completed if you plan to advertise on social media. (Please indicate in general description area above the account that should be billed so we can let Finance know. We highly recommend that you don't "boost" a Facebook post. It is always better to run an ad through our Ad Account. Videos perform the best and are the cheapest "cost per click". If you choose to use video it should be between 15 seconds (recommended) and 2 minutes maximum. Facebook Ads GuideCampaign Objective- Select -Video ViewsLink ClicksEvent TicketsCampaign Budgetspecify dollar amount per day or total for the entire campaignBegin Date / TimeEnd Date / TimeAd Target AudienceDescribe who should see this ad. Targeted audiences work better than general. For example, for a men's ministry ad you could say: men between the ages of 25 and 65+ who are within a 15 mile radius of the downtown campus.Ad GraphicChoose File Recommend 1080 x 1080 Facebook has a various requirements for images or videos depending upon placement. See link above for specifics.Link to VideoFile UploadChoose File Submit Request